
KLSE Comex Recommendations

Tuesday, 17 February 2015


 Crude oil prices eassed Tuesday in Asia ahead of U.S. supply data later in the week and as investors eyed talks between Greece and euro zone finance ministers that broke down overnight when Athens rejected a proposal to request a six-month extension of its international bailout as “unacceptable”.The unexpectedly rapid collapse raised doubts about Greece’s future in the single currency area after a new leftist-led government vowed to scrap the 240 billion euro bailout, reverse austerity policies and end cooperation with EU/IMF inspectors. Greece’s current €240 billion bailout is due to expire on February 28 and the new Greek government does not want it extended, fuelling fears over a conflict with its creditors which could trigger the country’s exit from the euro zone. Greece’s Finance Minister Yiannis Viviparous said Monday that he was ready to sign a document drafted by the European Commission, which outlined a deal between Greece and its partners However, Varoufakis said, Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem presented him with another document, which referred to past policies and was vague in key issues such as “flexibility”, which he could not accept.

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BUY GOLD ABOVE 1231 TARGET 1236 1242 SL 1225
SELL GOLD BELOW 1223 TARGET 1218 1212 SL 1229

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