Axiata Group Bhd’s shares on the Bursa Malaysia rose, in early trading this morning, riding high on the positive outlook for its 92 per cent Bangladesh subsidiary, Robi. As at 10.02 am, the counter added four sen to RM6.99 with 230,400 shares changing hands, after opening one sen higher at RM6.96.In a research note today, Maybank Investment Bank (MaybankIB) said Robi’s contribution to Axiata has been growing.“By our estimates, Robi would account for around 6.0 per cent of Axiata’s net profit in 2014. Robi accounts for 20 sen of our Axiata RM7.80 target price.
BUY BUMI ARMADA ABOVE 1.210 TARGET 1.250 1.300 SL 1.170
Axiata Group Bhd’s shares on the Bursa Malaysia rose, in early trading this morning, riding high on the positive outlook for its 92 per cent Bangladesh subsidiary, Robi. As at 10.02 am, the counter added four sen to RM6.99 with 230,400 shares changing hands, after opening one sen higher at RM6.96.In a research note today, Maybank Investment Bank (MaybankIB) said Robi’s contribution to Axiata has been growing.“By our estimates, Robi would account for around 6.0 per cent of Axiata’s net profit in 2014. Robi accounts for 20 sen of our Axiata RM7.80 target price.
BUY BUMI ARMADA ABOVE 1.210 TARGET 1.250 1.300 SL 1.170